Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Another Fitness Blog - seriously?!

The world is full of fitness blogs.  Trust me; go on Twitter and see for yourself.  Some of the most fabulous writers are Tweeting and self-promoting their careers and their love of fitness.  They motivate.  They move.  And for what feels like an eternity, I was devotedly following every one of them as a runner and fitness fanatic myself.  I learned new skills.  I gleaned new tips.  I was genuinely inspired by so many.  But I never composed a blog of my own.  Why should I, when there are so many who have come before me who were doing it so much better?

Then something changed.  Well, lots of things, actually.  My "running career" came to a grinding halt with a leg injury that continued to be mis-diagnosed.  First it was shin splints, later it was severe ligament sprains.  Determined to not give up my devotion for fitness, I began to study (and study hard!) as I sat around the house in crutches and cast and prepared for my Personal Trainer Certification.  It's not like I was leaving the house to go for a jog, after all!

And after much studying and tons of stress, I officially became a Certified Personal Trainer - hooray!

But a certification can be little more than the bare minimum required to actually go out and demonstrate your passion for exercise and train the public at large.  Next stop?  EMPLOYMENT. 

After many stops at many gyms (and what I thought were fabulous interviews!) I got hired as a personal trainer.  But trainers need to sell themselves and get clients in order to be actual 'paid' personal trainers.  Baby steps.

Which brings you, my dear reader, up to date.  I have recently been diagnosed with Compartment Syndrome, which means no more running or risk killing the tissues in my legs (not an option) or have surgery to correct the condition. (Also not an option as I have the kind of bad luck that would result in horrible side effects of said surgery.) I have a couple of clients and continue to hone my personal trainer sales pitch every day.  I might even be getting better at it.  Fingers crossed.  My hope is that if I can reach even one person who can relate to what I deal with every day and that if I can make a difference in their life, I have made the right choice in sharing my day-to-day trials and tribulations by creating yet another fitness blog.  With any luck, YOU might be that person.


  1. You are awesome. Just because you can't run doesn't mean you won't inspire many people who are similarly challenged. Keep going!

  2. You make a difference in every life you touch because your amazing and so strong! Not being able to run has not stopped you from moving ahead and reaching your goals. I am so proud of you! Even though I am not a gym goer or the most physically fit, you inspire me and I am so happy to read what you have to say!

  3. If anyone ever should have a blog it is you, my dear. You are one of the most incredible people I know, not to mention a total rock star. You absolutely inspire me with everything you've accomplished and the goals you've set and reached for yourself (not to mention you look fabulous while you do it). I really can't wait to read more from you!
